what we do.
Playlist Curation
One of the first and most enduring aspects of any physical space is how it sounds. Algorithmic solutions are cheap & plentiful, but when all other aspects of a brand have been meticulously chosen, it's a false economy to leave the soundscape to a computer. We focus on creating handmade playlists for venues, installations & events, and by doing so help reinforce the carefully designed experience for all visitors.
DJ / Artist Booking
For an advertising campaign to achieve it's planned goals, a solid understanding of all variants & facets (including those goals!) must underpin everything, from concept to execution. Every campaign is unique, and that’s exactly how we approach each one at X Pollen. The extensive ‘Collective Rolodex’ at our disposal ensures the best personnel for any task is utilized for print, digital, broadcast, guerrilla/underground & emerging media.
Podcast Consulting
Your physical products are the best & most innovative you can make: We can assist you to make certain the packaging lives up to the product. The evolution of new materials is constant, and we at The X Pollen Collective keep abreast of the latest in packaging innovation, ensuring our clients do too.
Bespoke Music Production
Communication of information is the lifeblood of any organization, be it pertaining to a great product, a thrilling concept, a unique solution to a problem or perhaps something completely new that nobody has thought of yet. At The X Pollen Collective, our designers & illustrators thrive when creating exploring ways to communicate your information within the language of your brand.
Full-Stack Audio Management
Anyone who has ever sat down to write copy for an organization knows just how delicate a balancing act it can be. How to intrigue & captivate the reader whilst remaining within the parameters of Brand Voice, how to convey important & mandatory information without falling foul of meaningless ‘media-speak’ - all the time remaining vigilantly mindful of the target audience. Our ‘Collective Rolodex’ includes a number of Journalists expert in both short & long-form writing, experienced Media Professionals, Creative Storytellers, English Professors, and Lateral Thinkers, all ready to work with you to get your message out right.

Every Brand development job starts with detailed & targeted research of your prospective clients, and your competitors within the industry playing field.Development of Naming, Brand Voice & Tone, and Articulation & Positioning all fall within the Strategy remit.
Brand Voice & Tone
How organizations utilize the appropriate language with their audience is paramount to getting the correct tone across. We can help communicate your message in the right voice, without muddying the waters with market-speak jargon bullshit.
A fundamental building block of any successful brand is obviously the name: it helps the customer to understand who you are right out of the blocks, inferring a myriad of of informational & emotional triggers. The X Pollen Collective has over 10 years of professional experience in this field.
Intelligent research of the market is invaluable in any business. With focused audience exploration twinned with thorough competitor investigation, X Pollen will identify market niches and client strengths to make your USP truly Unique.
Articulation & Positioning
Engaging storytelling is critical to successfully positioning your brand in a busy business landscape. Whether it’s direct narrative development through a blog, less-formal social media communication, creating an alliance with a political movement, partnering with an appropriate charity, development of social campaigns, or likely a combination of some of these and more, X Pollen can set your story on the right track and develop from there.

Incorporating development of Graphic Design, Illustration, Copywriting, Advertising from concept to campaign, & Packaging Design, our creative team build streamlined & unified Brand Identity.
Let us help you tell your story.
Brand Identity
We live in a world where the significance of optics has grown exponentially, regardless of whether any of us think that’s a good thing or not. successful development & deployment of your visual language is how your audience recognizes your brand from others, and how you stand apart amongst increasingly busy eye-space. With over 20 years of experience in both the commercial & not-for-profit fields, The X Pollen Collective can create & deliver the right visual communication tools for your organization.
For an advertising campaign to achieve it's planned goals, a solid understanding of all variants & facets (including those goals!) must underpin everything, from concept to execution. Every campaign is unique, and that’s exactly how we approach each one at X Pollen. The extensive ‘Collective Rolodex’ at our disposal ensures the best personnel for any task is utilized for print, digital, broadcast, guerrilla/underground & emerging media.
Your physical products are the best & most innovative you can make: We can assist you to make certain the packaging lives up to the product. The evolution of new materials is constant, and we at The X Pollen Collective keep abreast of the latest in packaging innovation, ensuring our clients do too.
Graphic Design/ Illustration
Communication of information is the lifeblood of any organization, be it pertaining to a great product, a thrilling concept, a unique solution to a problem or perhaps something completely new that nobody has thought of yet. At The X Pollen Collective, our designers & illustrators thrive when creating exploring ways to communicate your information within the language of your brand.
Anyone who has ever sat down to write copy for an organization knows just how delicate a balancing act it can be. How to intrigue & captivate the reader whilst remaining within the parameters of Brand Voice, how to convey important & mandatory information without falling foul of meaningless ‘media-speak’ - all the time remaining vigilantly mindful of the target audience. Our ‘Collective Rolodex’ includes a number of Journalists expert in both short & long-form writing, experienced Media Professionals, Creative Storytellers, English Professors, and Lateral Thinkers, all ready to work with you to get your message out right.

It’s likely your online presence plays a huge part of your marketing - perhaps you are a 100% online affair - Your website had better work well.
SEO, UI, UX, E-commerce, Social Media integration & customer enticement, we bring it all together to make sure your site not only looks good, but performs as it should.
Website Design/ Development
The right HQ online can be many things, depending on what kind of business you are and who your target market is. With extensive in-house experience in full-stack site development & further engineering expertise in all aspects of the latest technologies thanks to the collective, you can be sure your website is as advanced as needed yet as simple as possible at the same time, whilst maintaining your brand ALL the time.
User Experience
At The X Pollen Collective we understand all the ingredients that go into successful UX from the ground up. Its all well and good to have a perfectly designed interface, but without the seamless merging of other disciplines including marketing, tone, graphic design & target demographic usability, your customer's experience can fall short. Get it right first time with XPC.
Search Optimization
It's not sexy, but it needs done right. We have the right people who do it right.
Whether you are selling a catalogue of 1000 SKUs, a rolling collection of bespoke works of art, or a recurring single membership, it is imperative your customer can navigate your store and complete their purchase with the minimum of fuss. In the unlikely event of any issues, you need confidence you can rely on your system to aid resolution as quickly and effectively as possible. With over 15 years of experience in e-commerce specifically, we will integrate the appropriate system, from bespoke cart to global corporation-scaleable software.
Social Media
Arguably the most important & powerful marketing medium at your disposal, Social Media today plays a more significant role than any traditional channel. To treat all SM applications the same way however is a common error. at X Pollen our 'Collective Rolodex' comes to the fore once again, where we can call on expertise in separate micro-specific fields, so your messaging remains true & on-brand regardless of stream & method.

Getting all your creative assets fabricated to the highest quality, on time & on budget, is something you shouldn’t have to worry about.
Our network of contacts within the print & manufacture industries can help.
Print/Packaging Manufacture Liaison
Our comprehensive collective experience in the print, signage & packaging industries is at your disposal. The nature of our collective community means that we can get every deliverable manufactured to the highest standard, at the right cost, for the right time. Every time.